Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mehsana

KVK, Mehsana
Mon-Sat: 09:00 - 04:00

Nutrition Garden unit

Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Mehsana has well established Nutrition garden unit.Nutrition garden ensure the best quility of fresh vegetables and fruits.fruits and vegetables play an importantant role in the balance diet of human being by providing vital protective nutrients.TheĀ  KVK Nutrion garden area is 600 sq.meter.In the unit all the vegetables of kharif,Rabi and summer seasons are grown.Along with vegetables moringa,lemon,pomegranate,aonla,sapota and mango are also grow in nutrition garden unit.As per action plan we provide 50 FLDs of Nutrion garden under household food security to farm women of different villages of mehsana district.Seed of vegetables,seedling and moring plants distributed to farm women every year.