Krishi Vigyan Kendra

KVK, Mehsana
Mon-Sat: 09:00 - 04:00


General census

Population and Literacy:

As of 2011 India census, Mehsana had a total population of 20,35,064 out of which Males constitute 1056520 and females 978544 of the total population. Mehsana has an average literacy rate of 84.26% with male literacy of 91.88 %, and female literacy of 76.12 %. In Mehsana, 11% of the population is under 6 years of age. Density of district is 462 and ranked 10th among the state India. Sex ratio of the district 926 and position in state is 17.

Details of taluka wise villages and Population details of the district

Sr.No Talukla No. of


Population (As per the 2011 Census)
Male Female Total SC ST Total Farmer
1 Satalasana 65 46036 43510 89546 8134 243 12094
2 Kheralu 51 68968 64810 133778 11304 385 16687
3 Unjha 31 91093 64446 175539 13948 708 16236
4 Visnagar 59 136329 125917 262246 19109 1370 21519
5 Vadnagar 43 74437 71008 145445 9384 106 19299
6 Vijapur 64 133713 123986 257699 16662 1317 26612
7 Mahesana 115 277094 252722 529816 46211 3964 33139
8 Becharaji 52 51152 48436 99588 8015 181 11378
9 Kadi 120 177698 163709 341407 118710 3144 22920
Total 600 1056520 978544 2035064 162288 9392 179862


Details of Literacy rate of district (2011-12)

Sr.No Taluka Rural Urban Total
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 Satalasana 34520 23070 57320 0 0 0 57320
2 Kheralu 42283 29646 71929 8998 6993 15991 87920
3 Unjha 51257 41607 92864 25118 21591 46709 139593
4 Visnagar 78789 62654 141443 34257 28416 62673 204116
5 Vadnagar 47290 35909 83199 11155 8481 19635 102835
6 Vijapur 94023 73803 167823 14677 12094 26771 194597
7 Mahesana 137670 106295 243965 88666 92290 160956 404921
8 Becharaji 33744 23008 56752 5244 3957 9201 65953
9 Kadi 104459 76052 180511 35619 29280 64899 245410
Total 624035 472044 1095809 223734 183102 406836 1502645


Educational facility:

Primary, Secondary & Other Educational Institute of the district (2013-14)

Sr. No Taluka Primary Institute Secondary Institute Colleges
1 Satlasana 85 19 1
2 Kheralu 100 24 2
3 Unjha 59 29 7
4 Visnagar 109 50 24
5 Vadnagar 102 26 3
6 Vijapur 130 47 16
7 Mehsana 183 94 24
8 Bechraji 74 19 2
9 Kadi 148 57 17
Total 990 365 96

Employment status:

Information regarding working and non-working people in the district:

S.No. Details of workers Rural Urban Total
1 Main workers 544684 119980 664664
2 Marginal workers 150753 12585 163338
Total 695437 132565 828002
Non workers 730629 279065 1009694
1 Farmers 188314 6006 194320
2 Agril.labour 198192 4673 202865
3 Gruh Udyog 10148 3556 13704
Other 298783 118330 417113
 Total 695437 132565 828002